Thursday, 24 December 2015

Daniel Lau Climbs Insanely Tall Buildings With His Bare Hands

Some people are not afraid of height, that is the story of rooftop climber Daniel Lau ::: His activities recently lit up Chinese media thanks to a picture snapped from above China's fourth tallest building. He climbed the 450-meter Zifeng Tower in Nanjing, alongside notorious Russian rooftoppers Vladimir Sidorov and Ivan Kuznetsov. Lau was also the guy holding the selfie stick on top of a skyscraper in Hong Kong with two banana-eating rooftoppers that boggled the internet last year. So what motivates someone to pursue such a staggeringly dangerous -- and often highly illegal -- pastime? Apparently, Lau tells CNN, it's because life at ground level is too stressful. "Rooftopping is like a getaway from city life to me -- Hong Kong is such a fast-paced city with so much pressure and noise," he says.

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